Sometimes i visit some website or blog and when i find a good content about any thing I surely remember it but the problem sometimes is i don't remember its URL because it's : so long, is not expressive, is not memorable so in this article I'm gonna show how to choose the best domain(free or paid) to your website or your blog...
In just blogger there are more the 50 millions blog so to find the best domain for your blog or website will be so hard unless you knew few rules:
Rule #1
Choose it memorable :This is the important thing in choosing the domain that means it have to be so expressive and influential example: or (mine soon:)
Rule #2
Choose The Smallest : always try to choose the smallest domain less than 6 very good , less then 10 good, more than 10 not good unless it was very memorable example: but sometimes even small domains are not memorable example: unless it was the first letters of a sentences for example that's mean: PhotoShop TUTorialS.
Rule #3
Meaning domain : you have to make your domaine a summary to your website because this also help you with the search engines
finally if the domain that you looking for in blogger has been token you can come form here to get a free domain and probably you will find what want there (because most of its domains are unregistered unlike blogger )
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